The strength of the flesh
is disappointing,
but the strength of the soul
is the Lord's hand.
Never allow the enemy of your soul
to make you believe
you are measured by the strength of your flesh.
You are God's project,
pieced together in His strength and
according to His plan.
You may be unfinished or even defunct,
with many parts not quite in place,
but the blueprints are complete.
He is fashioning you out of a finished set of plans.
Let Him do His work.
Do you see imperfections?
Do they leave you feeling broken?
It's because you are measuring a work in progress
by its parts and meek successes,
not by the Builder or His plan.
He builds magnificent things.
He cast the heavens as a backdrop
for the sun and moon and stars,
and gave them all movement and purpose.
"But they sit in one place forever
and do the same things over and over again?"
Without them, and the simple things they do,
everything else would perish,
and all life would end.
When some portion of life's beauty awes
and takes your breath away,
it only exist because of the simple plain things
that other parts have done.
There IS a man behind the curtain,
and you MUST pay attention to Him.
When the enemy's words seep deep into your worn places
and hurt more than you expect,
remember the Potter is not finished,
and you are measured according to His hands.
They are able and glorious,
and EVERYTHING He touches shines with His glory!
Let Him do His work.