I recall a time when a friend of ours was having surgery and was very worried about it. It happened just after a Christmas holiday and I mentioned it to my husband the chaos of the holidays began. You know as well as I do how the holidays can devour your time and attention and cause you to forget important things. My husband has a pastoral heart and also bears a lot of responsibility in our home and ministry. Unfortunately he is not an administrative type person and he forgets things until right before they are due. He doesn't procrastinate but he handles things only when it is time. So it is easy for him to forget things up until the last minute. While eating dinner my husband stops, drops his fork in his plate and says, "Ahhh..... " He dropped his head and I heard him say, "I meant to do that..." He reminded me that our friend's "surgery is tomorrow. I have to go by there now." He stood up, put on his coat and out the door he went to pray with her and her husband. By the time he left to come home again, they were all three in tears as they prayed together. It blessed them to know they were loved, not forgotten, and her heart was calmed knowing they did not stand before the Lord asking alone. He apologized to her for not coming sooner but she said, "This is when I needed it the most!" I understand what she meant. The night before something important is about to happen, the enemy will attempt to plant a seed of fear and doubt inside of your heart. How easy would it have been for Mike to have said, "Well, it's late, I forgot, I'll just pray when I go to bed, that will be good enough." The work we are called to do is important, it isn't okay to do just enough. When God lays a plan of action upon our hearts, we should never edit or rewrite it to make it convenient or easy. Jesus put off eating a meal to take the time to minister to the woman at the well and as a result her whole town was evangelized. Mike pushed his meal away and went out in the cold rain to find our friend and her husband to pray. They were blessed with peace of mind and ultimately, healing and Mike was blessed to minister to them.