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Talk Is Cheap

Writer: Julie BranstetterJulie Branstetter

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" ~ Psalms 46:10 (NKJV)

“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” ~ Psalms 46:10 (The Message Bible)

When I think of this verse I tend to think of God being exalted BY nations and BY the whole earth. While we worked on our family devotion tonight before we put the children to bed, this verse appeared to me in a personal manner, more clearly and more in focus. Read those verses again and notice the words "among" and "in". Yes, it is much more personal than some grand sweeping end of times idea that one day God will step out and be seen high and above it all. Yes, He will, that is true, but that's not really what is being declared to you here. He says to "be still and know that I am God." He is speaking directly to you as an individual. YOU be still. YOU find the realization that HE is God. And when YOU do that, He is EXALTED AMONG this nation. He is EXALTED IN the earth.

You have probably heard for years, especially at each new years beginning, about time management. I'm sure you've heard messages about spending more time reading the Word and praying. You have heard many times that we should always set aside special time for God. I could go into a long sermon here about putting God first or making Him the center of all you do and about showing Him that He matters to you by giving Him time every day. But what I really want to say to you instead is, are you doing it? I know you KNOW about it, but are you DOING it? Are we exalting Him among our nation and in this earth every day? Do we only reserve our thoughts and prayers and devotion time to Sunday mornings and before we eat? That is a question each one must ask each one's self. We must be still and give God time every day.

Here is an example I used with my daughters tonight that seemed to seep in with them. I was working online and I knew they wanted to sit down this evening and play a game called "Buzzword" together as a family. We play this game as a family sometimes and they were looking forward to it. Now I still had work to do but the choice was mine. Was it time to stop working and time to sit down and play or would they have been fine playing together with their daddy while I worked? Well the world wouldn't have come to an end if I had finished working, but the opportunity to show them they were the most important thing to me would have passed. Buzzword is a fairly fun game but I could take it or leave it. Stopping to play with them was my way of SHOWING them that what I TELL them when I say, "I love you more than anything" is TRUE. Actions speak louder than words whether we like it or not. So let me ask you again. Are you actually taking time at all each day to stop what you COULD be doing for what we SHOULD be doing? Are you making it clear that what you really want to do is give to the Lord what He not only deserves but WANTS; your time, your attention, your love? He could have given us anything as a sacrifice for our sins and salvation and could have said it was sufficient for Him, but He did not do that. He DEMONSTRATED His great love with a GREAT sacrifice, He gave Himself totally and without reservation or excuse.

The truth is setting aside a little time each day never prevent us from doing any of the things we normally do. So then why don't so many actually do it? Is it because He is out of sight so He stays out of mind? We are Christians who live by faith and not by sight. Is it laziness? Is it a lack of love? If our hearts were on fire with love for Him would we forget Him so easily? I don't forget my husband or children so easily. When I am not with Him I spend most of my time thinking of Him and my children. I certainly couldn't go a day without thinking of them most of the day and yet I still manage to accomplish the tasks each day brings. I am madly in love with all of them. So what is it? I can't tell you what it is because only you can search your own heart, but I can tell you that He will help you figure it out so you can overcome it and draw nearer to Him. He so longs to be near to you and you need to be nearer to Him. The more you are close to Him the more you realize you need to be. If 5 minutes a day is more than you did before, then that is a great start. Take small steps, but don't forget your first love. Without an intentional effort to be close to Him you never will. Step out of the traffic, the noise, the politics, whatever is demanding your undivided attention and say "No!" THIS portion of my day, I give to the Lord! Take a moment everyday to visit with Him. Talk to Him in prayer more often. Read a scripture and spend some time thinking about it. THAT is time spent with HIM! You will find more than you can imagine if you will simply DO it.

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